

In this frame, a Criterion determines a Ratio that quantifies the size of the subset of a larger Group.

         74 PERCENT OF Republicans support the Affordable Care Act.

         Eighty PERCENT OF Wall Street executives and their spouses' donations go to Democrats.

         Seventy PERCENT OF Americans don't have a college degree.



Criterion [cri] The conditions which determines a Ratio that quantifies the subset of a Group.
         Ninety PERCENT OF American workers don't own their own business.
Group [grp] A larger collection of entities from which a smaller subset is selected based on a Criterion.
         About 30 PERCENT OF those released from Guantanamo have re-entered the fight.
Ratio [rat] The fraction that is determined by a Criterion to quantify the size of the subset relative to the size of the Group.
         56 PERCENT OF (the U.S.-Mexico) border is not under our control.


Time [tim]: The Time when the Criterion determines a Ratio that quantifies the subset of a Group.
Semantic Type: Time          99 PERCENT OF all new income today (is) going to top 1 percent.

Frame-frame Relations:

Inherits from:
Is Inherited by:
Perspective on:
Is Perspectivized in:
Is Used by:
Subframe of:
Has Subframe(s):
Is Preceded by:
Is Inchoative of:
Is Causative of:
See also:

Lexical Units:

out of.prep
percent of.prep